About us: Wissance is the best software and hardware development company!

В мире и на рынке подавляющее большинство программного обеспечения и электронных устройств – решения, которые были созданы в спешке, без тщательной проработки, за недостаток качества расплачивается как конечный потребитель, так и заказчик в том числе и своей репутацией. Мы создаем качественные решения, которые делают то, что от них нужно.





+7 (343) 333-33-33

// who we are?

Your reliable partner in software development

We are young team of ambitious engineers and scientists. Our team have unique experience in developing any kind of software and hardware, carrying out surveys and providing research & development projects. We solve any kind of task we are not afraid of difficulties and we love complicated and interesting tasks. Our key advantage is intellect: we thoroughly study subject and related objects and therefore we create definitely quality product (software or hardware). We believe that in our world there is still a lot of room for innovations and we are ready to create and incorporate them.

Our software solves any business tasks.


Most of the software and hardware in the world were developed in a hurry without required design quality on
a stage of planning. This quality issue is paying by end user and by manufacturer all these costs money and reputation. We create only quality products that do exactly what they were designed for.

We are fully dive into a problem/task and related with it field of knowledge and intensively interact with our customer, all of these we are doing for build really quality product. We extensively use analytical approach and math (statistics) for making our products the best.
We are using leading world best practices and knowledge base to solve task efficiently. Rigorous and thorough analysis of information, most precise task and algorithms description and automation are key aspects of our philosophy and success.

We have our own unique strategy that allow us to efficiently use resources of our customers with our know-how LEB project management methodology. We could find better way to solve any problem because we know how to split any task on project management methodology. We could find better way to solve any problem because we know how to split any task on subtasks. There are no obstacles for us.

Мы - Виссанс (Wissance) : целеустремленная и талантливая команда ученых и инженеров
// Experience. Innovation. Superiority.

What do we really do

There is a space for innovations

We develop software in various fields and to solve problems of our customers.


Our team

We team of scientists and engineers, we specialized on software and hardware development.

Ushakov Michael Vyacheslavovich

CEO, Co-founder

Petrov Alexander Alexandrovich

CTO, Co-founder

Ushakov Anrdrew Vyacheslavovich

Lead of development, Systems architect

Vyatkina Elena Anatolievna

CFO, Chief accountant
on the market
// Technology Innovation

Software development
and hardware

Our team is engaged in research, design, development, integration of specialized software and electronic devices.  
