Wissance : quality software and reliable electronics

В мире и на рынке подавляющее большинство программного обеспечения и электронных устройств – решения, которые были созданы в спешке, без тщательной проработки, за недостаток качества расплачивается как конечный потребитель, так и заказчик в том числе и своей репутацией. Мы создаем качественные решения, которые делают то, что от них нужно.





+7 (343) 333-33-33

Software development
Hardware development
Research and experimental development
// our services

Software development

Enterprise web applications and portals
Enterprise web applications and portals

We develop a high performance and highload enterpise web (portals, services) application

Embedded software
Embedded software

We develop software that runs in various electronics under control of an ARM CPU and/or MCU

Desktop application and system services (daemons)
Desktop application and system services (daemons)

We develop GUI desktop application, custom drivers and system application (services and daemons)

Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence

We develop systems that could learn and modify their own reaction (behaviour)

Mobile applications
Mobile applications

We develop Android and iOS mobile applications

// our services

Hardware development

Devices for industrial electonics and automatics
Devices for industrial electonics and automatics

We develop hardware for data aqcuired under control over FPGA and discrete logic

Smart sensors and IoT devices
Smart sensors and IoT devices

We develop smart sensors hardware, telecommunication and wireless devices

Measuremnts and scientific instruments
Measuremnts and scientific instruments

We develop spectrometry for register electromagnetic radiation and physical values measurements

// our services

Research and experimental development

Data survey and analysis, datasets for machine learning
Data survey and analysis, datasets for machine learning

We provide data survey for datasets creation for develop precise and effective AI systems

Survey with AI using heuristic algorithms
Survey with AI using heuristic algorithms

We provide complicated processes survey analysis using heuristic algorithms and artificial inteligence

Augmentated and virtual reality
Augmentated and virtual reality

We provide survey that allow us to extend human experience using AR and VR technologies


We provide survey and experimental spectrometric devices development

// Software. Systems. Hardware.

We are — Wissance!

We are a team of young and ambitious scientists and engineers.

Our team has a unique background in development of high performing software, hardware and scientific studies.

We could solve any task and we are not afraid of a challenge, we love to solve complicated and interesting tasks

Мы - Виссанс (Wissance) : целеустремленная и талантливая команда ученых и инженеров
Electronic devices

Total number of projects

Accomplished project

We apply our knowledge in different fields

// Our blog

It might be interesting